Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
How sick are our sepsis patients? Not as sick as our coding says they are!
There's been a push
for “improved” coding in the last few years. Purported benefits
include better accuracy in the medical record and improved quality of
research that is drawn from administrative databases. The real
effect of today's coding trends, as many of us already know on the
ground, has been quite the opposite as illustrated in this recent study which looked at septic
We assessed trends from 2005 to 2013 in the annual sensitivity and incidence of discharge ICD-9-CM codes for organ dysfunction (shock, respiratory failure, acute kidney failure, acidosis, hepatitis, coagulopathy, and thrombocytopenia) relative to standardized clinical criteria (use of vasopressors/inotropes, mechanical ventilation for greater than or equal to 2 consecutive days, rise in baseline creatinine, low pH, elevated transaminases or bilirubin, abnormal international normalized ratio or low fibrinogen, and decline in platelets)...
Acute organ dysfunction codes were present in 57,273 of 191,695 (29.9 %) hospitalizations with suspected infection, most commonly acute kidney failure (60.2 % of cases) and respiratory failure (28.9 %). The sensitivity of all organ dysfunction codes except thrombocytopenia increased significantly over time. This was most pronounced for acute kidney failure codes, which increased in sensitivity from 59.3 % in 2005 to 87.5 % in 2013 relative to a fixed definition for changes in creatinine (p = 0.019 for linear trend). Acute kidney failure codes were increasingly assigned to patients with smaller creatinine changes: the average peak creatinine change.. The mean number of dysfunctional organs in patients with suspected infection increased from 0.32 to 0.59 using discharge codes versus 0.69 to 0.79 using clinical criteria (p less than 0.001 for both trends and comparison of the two trends). The annual incidence of hospitalizations with suspected infection and any dysfunctional organ rose an average of 5.9 % per year (95 % CI 4.3, 7.4 %) using discharge codes versus only 1.1 % (95 % CI 0.1, 2.0 %) using clinical criteria.
Coding for acute organ dysfunction is becoming increasingly sensitive and the clinical threshold to code patients for certain kinds of organ dysfunction is decreasing. This accounts for much of the apparent rise in severe sepsis incidence and severity imputed from claims.
Among the
motivations for this more aggressive coding are the potential for
hospitals to get paid more under the prevailing crazy DRG scheme and
improved public report cards for doctors, which are severity
adjusted, based on codes.
The result is that
research based on administrative databases is becoming increasingly
suspect and public report cards are nearly meaningless. The consumer
public doesn't know this but it probably doesn't matter given
research that they largely ignore public reporting.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Review article: cholangiopathies
From Mayo Clinic Proceedings:
Cholangiocytes (ie, the epithelial cells that line the bile ducts) are an important subset of liver cells. They are actively involved in the modification of bile volume and composition, are activated by interactions with endogenous and exogenous stimuli (eg, microorganisms, drugs), and participate in liver injury and repair. The term cholangiopathies refers to a category of chronic liver diseases that share a central target: the cholangiocyte. The cholangiopathies account for substantial morbidity and mortality given their progressive nature, the challenges associated with clinical management, and the lack of effective medical therapies. Thus, cholangiopathies usually result in end-stage liver disease requiring liver transplant to extend survival. Approximately 16% of all liver transplants performed in the United States between 1988 and 2014 were for cholangiopathies. For all these reasons, cholangiopathies are an economic burden on patients, their families, and society. This review offers a concise summary of the biology of cholangiocytes and describes a conceptual framework for development of the cholangiopathies. We also present the recent progress made in understanding the pathogenesis of and how this knowledge has influenced therapies for the 6 common cholangiopathies—primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, cystic fibrosis involving the liver, biliary atresia, polycystic liver disease, and cholangiocarcinoma—because the latest scientific progress in the field concerns these conditions.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Catastrophic thrombotic syndromes
This designation was
formerly termed thrombotic storm. The new terminology
recognizes that this is a group of disorders with a common
phenotype. An updated free full text review can be found here
in Blood's How I Treat series. From the abstract of the paper:
Catastrophic thrombotic syndromes are characterized by rapid onset of multiple thromboembolic occlusions affecting diverse vascular beds. Patients may have multiple events on presentation, or develop them rapidly over days to weeks. Several disorders can present with this extreme clinical phenotype, including catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), atypical presentations of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) or heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), and Trousseau syndrome, but some patients present with multiple thrombotic events in the absence of associated prothrombotic disorders. Diagnostic workup must rapidly determine which, if any, of these syndromes are present because therapeutic management is driven by the underlying disorder. With the exception of atypical presentations of TTP, which are treated with plasma exchange, anticoagulation is the most important therapeutic intervention in these patients. Effective anticoagulation may require laboratory confirmation with anti–factor Xa levels in patients treated with heparin, especially if the baseline (pretreatment) activated partial thromboplastin time is prolonged. Patients with catastrophic APS also benefit from immunosuppressive therapy and/or plasma exchange, whereas patients with HIT need an alternative anticoagulant to replace heparin.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
The ongoing controversy over cholesterol and statins
A provocative
article in the World Journal of Cardiology challenges some
simplistic assumptions.
Below are a few of
the points made in the article.
Total cholesterol
is a poor predictor of risk
This has been known for decades. The authors cite findings from the
Framingham study in which total cholesterol levels in patients with
coronary disease overlap highly with levels in patients free of
coronary disease. That is illustrated in this figure. But to
say these findings negate the cholesterol hypothesis ignores the
distinction between population attributable risk and relative risk.
The findings, despite a well documented correlation between
cholesterol levels and coronary disease risk, are explained by the
multitude of other factors, in addition to cholesterol levels, that
contribute to risk. Other factors must be taken into account and in
the Framingham study the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL was a
strong predictor.
In multiple
clinical trials dietary interventions aimed primarily at reducing
cholesterol levels failed to impact coronary disease outcomes
Diet trials may have been confounded by increased carbohydrate intake
which activated the metabolic syndrome phenotype in many patients.
On the other hand, cholesterol lowering drug trials have shown
reductions in events. This is not just due to pleiotropic effects of
statins, as there is evidence from non statin cholesterol lowering drug trials of event reduction.
Interventions to
reduce risk need to be viewed in perspective
For example: cholesterol lowering diets have not been proven to
reduce events; statins achieve a relative risk reduction of about
30%; the Mediterranean has been reported to achieve a 70% relative
risk reduction.
Though a risk
factor, a singular focus on cholesterol reduction is misguided
Friday, November 20, 2015
The heart in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy
Free full text review. From the article:
To conclude, heart involvement is common in both DMD/BMD and female carriers. Serial cardiac evaluation, including clinical examination, ECG, Holter monitoring, echocardiographic and CMR study, is the “sine qua non” for this population. Early detection of heart involvement should motivate early cardiac treatment with ACE inhibitors and b-blockers to delay serious cardiac complications.
Calcium blocker overdose
There is a spectrum
of management options based on severity, starting with general
supportive measures and progressing through modalities such as high
dose insulin with glucose, lipid rescue and ECMO. Here is a
mini-lecture from the Mayo EMBlog.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Bundled payments: will they help?
A recent paper in Circulation
looked at bundled payments for health care. The focus was on
cardiovascular disease which has been a major target of criticism for
over utilization. In addition, the cardiovascular service line has
probably accumulated more experience in bundled payment than other specialities.
The article, despite making some
unwarranted claims and confusing the terminology of health care does
make some valid points and is worth the read.
In general, bundling of payments tends
to bring costs down. What is most desirable in health care, of
course, is adherence to evidence based medicine. The perfect world
would be one in which all providers practiced perfect evidence based
medicine 100% of the time. The appropriate question then, is, what
would perfect adherence to EBM do to health care costs? Despite the
claims of many policy experts, we don't know whether it would
decrease costs, have a neutral effect or even increase costs.
Abundant literature suggests that departure from evidence based
medicine comes in the form of both over utilization and under
The discussion in the article, as do
many discussions of health care today, centers around the contrast
between fee for service medicine and the various models of bundled
payment and characterizes health care in the US as being fee for
service. That is simplistic, because inpatient care is under the
Prospective Payment System (DRGs) is not fee for service. In the US
the situation is complex and we operate under a variety of
incentives. The assumption that one incentive is better than another
dominates much of the discussion. However, any time someone does
health care for a living, no matter the particular incentive, a
conflict exists. Fee for service medicine creates a positive cost
incentive. Bundled payments provide negative incentives. Who's to
say which is better for patients? There's room for vigorous debate.
The first paragraph of the article
Episode-based, “bundled” payments have come to the forefront of the national discussion on combating rising healthcare costs. In the currently dominant fee-for-service model for reimbursement, hospitals, physicians, and postacute care providers file distinct claims and are paid separately for provided services even when they are related to a single episode of care. However, this approach to payment encourages fragmented care, with little incentive for resource stewardship, coordination, or communication across multiple providers. In contrast, bundled payments seek to align the interests of providers..
Aside from the incorrect implication
that hospitals are under fee for service reimbursement what about the
alignment of interests that bundling purports to achieve? Under fee
for service payment individual providers fight with the payer for
reimbursement. Under bundled payment the fight is with each other
for a piece of the pie. What kind of alignment is that?
The paper addresses the evidence on
bundling. In short, it is preliminary. We do have experience to
draw on from Medicare's Prospective Payment System but the newer
models under discussion today are largely in experimental stages. A
few cautions statements can be made. In general bundled systems seem
to curb the rate of cost increases. The effect is modest. In the
case of Medicare's Prospective Payment System the cost savings have
been counterbalanced by a shift to outpatient treatment which is
still largely paid on the fee for service model. This can be viewed
as an escape valve from the negative cost incentives so that
hospitals can survive. It has resulted in shorter hospital stays and
that may have caused increased readmission rates.
These concluding remarks from the paper
are correct:
Given this mixed picture of the evidence, it is important to place bundled payments in an appropriate context. On one hand, the future of bundled payments remains largely uncertain.
A number of bundled payment models are
now under investigation as pilot projects by the Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Innovation. Which of these will see mainstream
implementation, if any, and when, is unknown.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Industry supported CME: asking the wrong questions
Larry Husten's
latest rant on industry supported CME is a confusing,
frustrating read. It asks the wrong questions and makes unwarranted
assumptions. Though he is correct in his particular criticism of a
handful of industry supported offerings on testosterone replacement
he is wrong in his overall view of industry supported CME. The
testosterone courses, which I won't elaborate on here, speak for
themselves as a bad example. Shameful as they are they're just a
collection of anecdotes not representative of the overall situation.
But Husten seems prone to hasty generalization.
Let me digress here
for clarity. Husten's use of the phrase “continuing medical
education” (CME) has a dog-whistle meaning that differs from its
meaning in plain language. In plain language it's the pursuit of
life long learning physicians engage in after completion of residency
or fellowship. Though mostly informal and self directed it's the
most important part of a physician's education post formal training.
One of my medical school mentors, the late Thomas E. Brittigham, in a
memo to his students, described it this way:
Dr. Carl Moore, chairman of the Department of Medicine at Washington University, tells me he finds it necessary to read medicine 3-4 hours every day...
In the dog-whistle
meaning, CME is more restricted. It's a set of officially sanctioned
activities in which physicians claim credit hours to meet minimum
requirements. It is, or should be, relatively small in the grand
scope of a physician's career learning. Put another way, as a
practicing physician, if your studying is confined to what you are
required to do for credit for you are in trouble. That's not to say
accredited CME is unimportant but it's not nearly enough. We lose
perspective with undue emphasis on minimum requirements.
Husten's post opens
Does anyone really think that commercially supported continuing medical education (CME) is truly independent?
That's confusing
even beyond the use of dog-whistle words. Commercial support means
dependency by definition. Many educational offerings would
cease to exist without industry support. Few on either side of the
debate would disagree so why the question? It obfuscates by
substituting a tautology, requiring no thought, for real questions
that are nuanced and could be debated vigorously, such as whether
support degrades education or negatively impacts patient outcomes.
Though not made
clear at the beginning of the post, Husten thinks accredited CME is
OK as long as it is not done in collaboration with another industry:
Let me be clear: I don’t oppose CME in general. In any profession, and medicine in particular, CME is absolutely essential. But commercially supported CME is another matter entirely..
Well, if there is a
distinction between supported and non supported offerings beyond mere
perception it's not based on evidence. Husten ignores that. From
his post:
Let’s first look at that “proven track record” claim. To be clear: there are no good studies showing the value of commercially-funded CME.
He's right. But he
neglects to point out that neither is there good evidence showing the
value of non supported CME. Despite today's obsession with course
evaluations, feedback and attempts to link educational activities
with outcomes there's no robust evidence either way. Education is a
multi-layered, complex interaction between teacher and learner that
doesn't lend itself to measurement to the degree we would hope, at
least outside the closely structured environment of medical school
and residency. Husten is correct in pointing out a burden of proof
but he, like others who call for the elimination of industry
supported CME, also has a burden of proof. It is unsustainable.
Husten is critical
of the accrediting body for CME, the ACCME. Sure, we'd all like for
the ACCME to do a better job but there is no basis for the extreme
claims made in the post. He writes:
But let’s be very clear here: these “protections” are just window dressing, designed to give the appearance of objectivity and transparency. The ACCME is supposed to be a watchdog but everyone knows that it is the commercial CME industry’s lapdog.
Again, burden of
proof. Evidence please. It's true that the accreditation process
under ACCME is imperfect, as exemplified by the testosterone courses,
but Husten provides no evidence that this happens any more with
commercially supported activities than with non supported activities.
I'm an extensive consumer of both types and can just as easily point
to questionable examples of unsupported CME [1] [2] [3]
[4] [5].
Concerning the
motivation of commercially-funded providers he asks:
Or does anyone really think that it has the primary goal of delivering quality medical education?
The answer of course is no, whether supported or unsupported, because
virtually all CME providers have a proprietary interest, even
those popularly revered as “clean.” (Just look at Up to Date or
MKSAP and their business models). Very few do it as a labor of love.
The few who do are mainly in social media, and hardly any of those
activities are accredited. Fact is, the entire world of accredited
CME is its own industry. It's all a business, but Husten and others
seem to think it's fundamentally different when there is
collaboration with a second business.
It astonishes me
that so many participants in this debate take the intellectually lazy
way out by turning to simple litmus tests. Industry supported means
bad. Non supported means good. It isn't that easy. Every offering,
regardless of the business model, should be evaluated on its own
I recently returned
from a hospital medicine course run by Mayo Clinic. It had all the
quality and scientific rigor you'd expect from Mayo. It also had
industry support. There were numerous drug company displays in the
exhibit area. Of the 18 or so credit hours offered, I noted only one
half hour lecture that was questionable. Its content area was not
represented among the displays or supporting companies. I thanked a
couple of the exhibitors because I realized that this course would
not exist in anything like its present form without their support.
The inquisition against industry supported CME is restricting
doctors' options. That's why this discussion matters.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Blastomycosis the great mimic
This may be
the best review of blastomycosis I've read.
Some key points:
Unlike many other
fungal infections blasto is not an opportunist. The typical patient
profile is the healthy outdoorsy woodsman type. Anyone can be
afflicted with severe disease.
Blasto is a great
mimicker. In the lungs it can present as community acquired
pneumonia, ARDS, nodules, just about anything. Skin manifestations
include verrucous lesions, ulcerative lesions (e.g. resembling
pyoderma gangrenosum), subcutaneous nodules resembling panniculitis
among others. Involvement of other organs is also seen.
The author states:
This infection causes manifestations which mimic many other more commonly diagnosed conditions and must always be considered by clinicians practicing in the endemic region.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Acute respiratory distress syndrome: what's evidence based and what's not?
This question was
recently addressed in a review published in Baylor University
Medical Center Proceedings.
The review opens
with a discussion of definitions and criteria. It is important to
note that the recently adopted Berlin criteria have placed ARDS into
three categories, refined the radiographic definitions and eliminated
the old designation ALI. The category distinctions are essential in
considering various treatment options and discussing current research
Below is a listing
of treatment modalities under popular discussion and their current
Low tidal volume
Mortality benefit in ARDSnet trial.
Status: evidence based.
High peep
Although no benefit was seen in the ARDSnet (ALVEOLI) trial a
subsequent meta-analysis that included other studies showed a
mortality benefit for moderate and severe ARDS.
based for moderate or severe ARDS.
High frequency
No benefit, possible harm in clinical studies.
Status: not evidence based, not recommended.
Airway pressure
release ventilation
No mortality benefit but improvement in other measures.
Status: evidence based for lower level outcomes.
The CESAR study showed a mortality benefit in severe ARDS but there
were methodologic concerns. There has been extensive lower level
Status: evidence based for severe ARDS but caveats apply. Widely
considered a rescue modality.
vasodilator therapy
No clear benefit.
Status: not evidence based.
No clear benefit.
Status: not evidence based but sometimes considered as a rescue
Prone positioning
Mortality benefit demonstrated for patients with a PO2 to FIO2 ratio
of less than 150.
Status: evidence based for patients selected on the basis of PO2 to
FIO2 less than 150 (does not fit neatly into the Berlin
Mortality benefit early in severe ARDS, used for 48 hours. Note:
steroids were given to less than half the patients in both groups in
the major trial with no significant difference in usage or incidence
of prolonged paralysis, between groups.
Status: evidence based for brief usage early in severe ARDS.
This has been a topic of controversy and mixed reports but overall
the evidence points to a mortality benefit if used early in moderate
or severe ARDS.
Status: Evidence based for early use in moderate or severe ARDS and
recommended by a recent consensus statement.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Histology matters in ARDS
From a very
important new study and accompanying commentary
we can learn some valuable lessons:
Out of 101 patients undergoing lung biopsy only slightly more than
half had DAD.
Among those who had other processes specific diseases were found that
led to changes in treatment including antimicrobial treatment and
Unfortunately the study found no clinical characteristics that
differentiated ARDS with DAD from other processes.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Compatibility of lactated ringers and antibiotics
Now that people are
increasingly using lactated ringers as the go to resuscitation fluid
this issue will arise more frequently. The main concern is with
ceftriaxone. Although I have heard mention of problems with other
antibiotics I was not able to find any documented issues other than
with ceftriaxone. The principal contraindication for concomitant use
of LR and ceftriaxone is in neonates. They can be used together in
adults but certain precautions apply. Here are two references
outlining them [1] [2].
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
What's left of early goal directed therapy after ProCESS, ARISE and ProMISe?
A recent review,
seeking to answer that question and summarizing the evidence,
Conventional management that focuses on early antibiotics and targeted resuscitation has contributed to improvements in survival of patients with septic shock over the last decade. New evidence from the ProCESS, ARISE and PRoMISe trials, however, suggests that structured ‘early goal-directed resuscitation’ with routine placement of a central venous catheter, monitoring of mixed venous oxygen saturation and aggressive red cell transfusion does not improve outcomes in most patients with septic shock. The nuances of fluid and vasopressor administration in early septic shock remain incompletely defined. Further, development and validation of practical methods for accurately assessing optimal fluid administration is needed. Future studies that seek to address these issues will likely benefit from emerging novel techniques, including molecular diagnostics and adaptive trial designs.
EGDT works but, like
the Mediterranean diet, it is a bundle of interventions. Questions
left unanswered by the Rivers study
revolved around which of the components of the bundle were
responsible for benefit and how they
might be optimally used.
These questions were partially answered in ProCESS, ARISE and
ProMISe. Now I'm going to
CVP and ScvO2
Findings in the three new trials
suggested that invasive monitoring of these parameters was not
mandatory for improved outcomes. The findings unleashed an immediate fire-storm of criticism of EGDT which was simplistic and misguided,
saying in effect that these interventions were worthless and that
EGDT was “dead.” There
was no warrant for such
statements. What the new
trials demonstrated was merely that we still do not know the best way
to perform hemodynamic assessment. Patients in the non-EGDT arms of
these trials underwent careful noninvasive clinical hemodynamic
assessment. So invasive may be no better than noninvasive but no one
would argue that critically
ill patients don't need
ongoing hemodynamic
assessment. That means therapy is,
whether by invasive or noninvasive means,
directed to goals. Viewed
from that perspective EGDT is very much alive.
What's ironic is that among those
same people who are trashing EGDT there's been a flurry of interest
in newer methods of hemodynamic assessment, some of which are
cumbersome, based on things like point of care echo and pulse
pressure variation. All are aimed at providing EGDT! One of the
more popular ones, IVC imaging, is nothing more than a surrogate for
CVP. Others aim to estimate cardiac output. We got a chance to try
that a couple of decades ago with the PA catheter and look what
happened. None of these
newer methods have been subjected to the rigors of the RCT. If they
ever are, perhaps in a decade or so, they may all go the way of the
CVP line, who knows?
There may be a conflict of interest at play. After all, critical
care types love point of care echo. Why hasn't there been more
interest, for example, in impedance cardiography which is
arguably just as well validated and certainly provides more
continuous data in real time?
The hematocrit target of 30 used
in the Rivers study was not picked out of thin air. It was based on
physiologic rationale that the higher the oxygen carrying capacity
the better, but that above levels of about 30 increases in blood
viscosity begin to counterbalance benefits. The new trials suggested
that lower targets are appropriate, but they by no means negate the
hemoglobin and hematocrit as useful
Dobutamine was not addressed in
the review but it was one of the interventions in the Rivers study.
Findings from the new
trials suggested that dobutamine did not need to be given in a rigid
protocolized fashion. Non-EGDT patients got dobutamine
but at a lower frequency. Following
the announcement of the new findings there
to have be a rising
interest in using point of care echo to guide the use of dobutamine
in patients with septic
shock. In one sense this
looks like
a retreat from evidence based medicine. That is, there seems to have
been a shift in dobutamine usage from the way it was specifically
tested in a randomized controlled trial to usage according to
physiologic rationale. But it's more complicated than that because
dobutamine was part of a bundle. We still don't know exactly what
role dobutamine has in septic shock. The most we can say from the
study findings is that judgment
of the individual clinician is as effective as adherence to a rigid
Medical cannabis: evidence, policy and unintended consequences
Here's a new review
in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.
Key points:
Cannabinoids (drugs
produced by pharmaceutical companies) have been reported effective
for appetite stimulation, analgesia and relief of nausea. The
effects are modest and other currently available drugs appear to be
more effective. Evidence is lacking for other conditions.
Cannibas (e.g.
marijuana plant products) has not been validated for medical use in
systematic research, although there are anecdotal reports including
dramatic testimonials.
Doctors face a
conundrum in states that allow medical cannabis. According to the
Medical marijuana schemes create problems for prescribers. Laws allowing physicians to prescribe cannabis conflict with U.S. federal law, which does not allow the use of cannabis for any purpose. Under the U.S. Constitution, federal laws pre-empt state laws [4,48]. The Bush administration threatened to strip doctors of their licenses to practice if they recommended marijuana to their patients. Even when the U.S. courts removed this threat, physicians remained reluctant to recommend cannabis because of concerns that they would be legally liable for any harms experienced by their patients [47,51]. In the absence of data, physicians also found it difficult to decide to whom they should recommend cannabis, in what amounts, and for how long [54,55]. These challenges have been ignored by a small number of physicians, who advertised their preparedness to provide patients with a medical recommendation for a fee.
Medical cannabis
initiatives may deliver little more than de facto legalization
of recreational marijuana.
Albuterol in the treatment of ARDS
From a recent
This meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials aimed to systematically evaluate the value of albuterol in the treatment of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Randomized controlled trials on albuterol treatment of ARDS from its inception to October 2014 were searched systematically. The databases searched included: PubMed, Ovid EMBASE, Ovid Cochrane, CNKI, WANFANG and VIP. The trials were screened according to the pre-designed inclusion and exclusion criteria. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on albuterol treatment, attempting to improve outcomes, i.e. lowering the 28-day mortality and ventilator-free days.
Three RCTs involving 646 patients met the inclusion criteria. There was no significant decrease in the 28-day mortality (risk difference=0.09; P=0.07, P for heterogeneity=0.22, I2=33%). The ventilator-free days and organ failure-free days were significantly lower in the patients who received albuterol (mean difference=–2.20; P less than 0.001, P for heterogeneity=0.49, I2=0% and mean difference=–1.71, P less than 0.001, P for heterogeneity=0.60, I2=0%).
Current evidences indicate that treatment with albuterol in the early course of ARDS was not effective in increasing the survival, but significantly decreasing the ventilator-free days and organ failure-free days. Owing to the limited number of included trails, strong recommendations cannot be made.
Monday, November 09, 2015
Uncritical acceptance of chelation trial results continues
I recently pointed out an American Heart Association publication's surprisingly credulous view of chelation therapy. Now there's more
from Cardiobrief citing this quote of none other than Eugene
Eugene Braunwald gave a strong endorsement to TACT2 in the press release: “The results of TACT were both surprising and intriguing. I am very pleased that TACT2 is building on these findings to determine if they can be replicated in diabetic patients who have experienced a myocardial infarction – a particularly high risk group of patients in need of effective therapy.”
I've ranted on this
extensively before and will only restate here that of all major
clinical trials I can recall in my long career TACT is one of the
most conflicted. It's beyond merely controversial. Anyone
interested in digging deeper on this issue should read this article.
Biomarkers in the diagnosis and monitoring of infections
From a recent free full text review:
In a large retrospective study of 1006 patients, an ESR of 100 mm/hour or more had low sensitivity of 0.36 among patients with infection, 0.25 among those with malignant neoplasms, and 0.21 among patients with noninfectious inflammatory disorders. However, specificity was high...
C-reactive protein has some advantages over ESR because it seems to be a better measure of an acute-phase response and is also more sensitive than ESR to subtle changes in the acute-phase response [1]. It is primarily produced by the liver in response to cytokines...
With mild to moderate stimulus, such as uncomplicated skin infection, cystitis, or bronchitis, it can rise to 50–100 mg/L within 6 hours [8]. Low levels of elevated CRP, with values between 2 mg/L and 10 mg/L, may be seen with “metabolic inflammatory” states such as smoking, uremia, cardiac ischemia, and other low level noninfectious inflammatory conditions...
Procalcitonin is the peptide prehormone of calcitonin that, under normal conditions, is secreted by the C-cells of the thyroid gland in response to hypercalcemia or as a result of medullary carcinoma of thyroid. In systemic inflammatory conditions and, in particular, bacterial infections, PCT secretion is stimulated by various cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. In viral infections, the PCT production is downgraded...
Osteoarticular Infections
The likelihood of diabetic foot osteomyelitis increases with ESR value of more than 70 mm/h [19]. In another prospective study, the sensitivity and specificity of CRP for the diagnosis of osteomyelitis at a level of more than 14 mg/L was 0.85 and 0.83; the sensitivity and specificity of ESR at a level more than 67 mm/hour was 0.84 and 0.75; and the sensitivity and specificity of PCT at a level more than 0.30 ng/mL was 0.81 and 0.71...
The authors recommended that ESR be used for the follow-up of patients with osteomyelitis [20].
Concerning sepsis,
the review notes:
In a meta-analysis..the authors concluded that PCT is a helpful biomarker for early diagnosis of sepsis.. The cutoff for PCT concentrations differed between 0.5 ng/mL and 2.0 ng/mL, with a median of 1.1 ng/mL. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of serum PCT levels in the early diagnosis of sepsis was noted to be 0.77 (95% CI, 0.72–0.81) and 0.79 (95% CI, 0.74–0.84), respectively [29]...
Another meta-analysis examining patients with bacteremia concluded that low PCT levels can be used to rule out the presence of bacteremia [32]...
Procalcitonin levels can be useful in early identification of bacterial pneumonia, guide antibiotic management, and help stratify patients with a higher risk.. In a randomized trial involving 302 consecutive patients, PCT guidance substantially reduced antibiotic use in lower respiratory tract infections without compromising outcomes from withholding antibiotics. In the PCT group, antibiotic treatment was based on serum PCT concentrations as follows: strongly discouraged, less than 0.1 µg/L; discouraged, less than 0.25 µg/L; encouraged, greater than 0.25 µg/L; strongly encouraged, greater than 0.5 µg/L [36]. A Cochrane database review of more than 14 trials also concluded that the use of PCT to guide initiation and duration of antibiotic treatment in patients with pneumonia was not associated with higher mortality rates or treatment failure...
There is also at least moderate evidence that PCT guidance to discontinue antibiotic therapy does not increase morbidity..and that PCT guidance does not increase mortality, hospital length of stay, or ICU admission rates in patients diagnosed with pneumonia in an inpatient...
This is of interest
given PCT's ability to distinguish between viral and bacterial
infection and recent surprising findings pointing to a high frequency
of viral infections as etiology of community acquired pneumonia.
A meta-analysis involving both adult and pediatric studies reported that the serum concentrations of CRP had a sensitivity that ranged from 0.69 to 0.99 and a specificity that ranged from 0.28 to 0.99. The authors concluded that CRP may have a good NPV, but the overall usefulness in diagnosing meningitis remained uncertain.
The use of
biomarkers is an emerging hot topic in infectious disease. As we
have seen before with D dimer and BNP/pro-BNP there will be some
misuse with the hope that further study and dissemination of
information will refine our approach.