Sunday, January 07, 2007

Web based doctor bashing---Medical Economics weighs in

Rate MDs and several other web sites provide an open access, anonymous free-for-all where patients can rant and vent their frustrations about their doctors. This has been discussed recently by several medical bloggers and now Medical Economics profiles Rate MDs and other similar sites.

Though this sort of trash isn’t deserving of serious attention doctors are upset and wonder what legal recourse can be taken. Site owners are defiant, saying in effect “just try”. An expert quoted by Medical Economics says legal remedies, while difficult and expensive, are available, and several strategies are discussed.

Doctor rating with an attitude
More on Rate MDs
Rate MDs suggested as a tool for doctor credentialing

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:59 AM

    The article is slightly misleading while discussing legal remedies.

    The last example about a successful lawsuit is an exception, not a rule, since the legal issue there is real harrassment and extortion. In most cases First Amendment and anti-SLAPP laws make the chances of successful legal action against voicing an opinion virtually nil.

    The real recourse is pretty obvious.

    People will be saying all sorts of things online, more to come. The only answer is to create a public online persona with greater visibility and invite patients and colleagues who have good things to say to do so.

    I have written more about this dilemma: Physician Review Sites: Here to Stay, Despite Concerns.
