Thursday, November 29, 2007

Systemic lupus

This not so rare disease has been reviewed in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

1 comment:

  1. My wife Rhonda died 5 years ago from Lupus when she passed we were spending $1200.00 a month on her meds. alone. So I know the tole this can take on a family when you can't get insurance or drug coverage. I am a licensed insurance agent in the state of Texas and I have found a program that you do qualify for no matter of your health. It has real drug coverage i.e., up to $10.00 for genarics and $20.00 for name brands, and a real insurance card which will give you access to hospitals other then the County, and at a good price. Please feel free to email me at and I can give you my insurance license number and the website for the State of Texas Department of Insurance so you can check me out. But I can help. this would have been a great plan for my late wife too bad it was not around then. God Bless, Mike
