This problem is gaining increasing recognition and was recently reviewed in Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. The etiology is probably multifactorial. Relative contributions of hypotension, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, hypoxemia, duration and depth of sedation and psychiatric factors need further study.
I am a physician. My 20 y/o son developed a dilated cardiomyopathy, ARDS, had an MI, rhabdomyolysis and renal failure 18 months ago. His heart has recovered. He has never been the same. He is dyspnic much of the time and unable to function in very basic ways. He is not the same cognitively. He had pre-existing cognitive rigidity and elements of a NVLD but now it is much worse. We suspected a mitochondrial disorder prior to his going into heart failure. Since then he has had testing including a muscle bx. He has a CPT II def which would not account for all of this. He likely has another FAOD +/- a mitochondrial disorder. He doesn't appear to have a global impairment in cognitive function but problems with cognitive flexiblity, shifting set and other executive functioning. Cynthia Richards MD