Maybe in some patients according to this review in Clinical Diabetes. I’ve argued before that over aggressive use of insulin in DM 2 promotes weight gain, fuels the metabolic syndrome and may cause macrovascular harm. When the initial presentation is one of marked hyperglycemia, however, the use of insulin as part of the regimen may be the only way to get that patient anywhere near goal. Early aggressive control with insulin may ameliorate beta cell fatigue, improve pancreatic function and enable reduction or even withdrawal of insulin later.
I've Used glargine insulin since diagnosed with diabetes, at the beginning the doctor tried with a small dose (like 8 units)) later he increased ituntil my sugar levels were stable ((12 units). I think all doctors should make this gradual increase or decrease until patient’s level is the best. Interesting videos on Diabetes are available at Symposier Site ((For Physicians and Medical Experts)), visit it.