Monday, September 20, 2010

There's no alternative medicine

---says George Lundberg.

Yeah, I know, there's only medicine that's been proven to work and that which hasn't. Well, Lundberg actually talks about three categories:

But actually there are three piles:

You have a test or treatment that has itself been tested and found to be safe and effective. Use it; pay for it.

You have a test or treatment that has been found to be unsafe or ineffective. Don’t use it; don’t pay for it.

You have a test or treatment that is scientifically plausible, meaning not preposterous. Test it and then put it into one of the other two piles.

But what about the fourth category, which is scientifically implausible claims? What do you do with nutty ideas? Well, if you're the NCCAM, study 'em. But that phony “research” has done nothing but fuel the growing industry of quackademic medicine.

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