Friday, January 31, 2014

Destructive games involving doctors and patients

I found particularly interesting in this review the list of destructive games played between doctors and patients:

Wooden leg Possessing a disability as a justification for choices or behavior which in the average person may be considered unacceptable.
Why don't you… Yes, but  The player reports a problem despite having been presented with solutions to it, to gain confirmation that his/her issue is “insoluble.”
Now I've got you If one party of a usually not-clearly-defined contract even slightly exceeds its boundaries, the other party, the player, thinks he/she is permitted to react in a forceful way, possibly with full rage.
How do you get out of here? In case of failure of repeated mock efforts the player can avoid a possible consequence of achieving success and feel “justified” in this situation.
Clinic Because both parties of a contract benefit from it they do not want to give it up, even if there is really no need to continue it.

The doctor can be a passive or active participant in the games. Elaboration is found in the body of the paper which is free full text.

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