Monday, February 02, 2015

Magnesium and cardiovascular disease

The cardiovascular effects of magnesium are multiple and complex. Here is a recent free full text review.

From the conclusion of the review:

Mg2+ has vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-ischemic, and antiarrhythmic properties (Fig. 3). It is a critically important nutrient and a potentially useful therapeutic agent in cardiovascular medicine. Several experimental, epidemiological, and clinical studies have established the role of Mg2+ in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disorders. Currently, the use of Mg2+ is limited mostly for the prevention and/or treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. We believe that adequate Mg2+ intake should be a part of the heart healthy diet. However, there is a compelling need for several well-designed cohort studies to determine the interrelationship among dietary Mg2+ intake, serum (or intracellular) Mg2+ concentration, and CVD, and to provide concrete evidence on the risks and/or benefits of taking Mg2+ supplements. Future basic science research should be focused on gaining a better understanding of the metabolic effects of Mg2+ intake in health and disease. Lastly, larger well-designed, randomized controlled trials are needed to widen the therapeutic scope of this inexpensive nutrient.

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