Understanding of
performance is beset by obfuscation of the language. For purposes of
clarity it is helpful to remind readers of recent deceptive changes
in health care terminology reminiscent of Orwell's Newspeak Dictionary. Important to this discussion are “quality” which
is gradually replacing the more meaningful and descriptive term
“performance” and “value based purchasing” which has all but
replaced “pay for performance.”
A recent review
of performance measure failure suffers from some of this confusion
but is otherwise a useful read. Here are a few important points to
keep in mind in reading this article:
considered by many to be a surrogate for quality, has never been
validated as such.
Attempts to use
performance for leverage have come in two forms: payment incentive
and public reporting.
officially promulgated performance measures (by Joint Commission and
CMS) were limited in number. Many more were adopted voluntarily,
“in-house,” by various local health systems. A large number of
those are being added to the list of nationalized (and mandatory)
measures under the Affordable Care Act.
Some performance
measures failed because they were adopted based on somebody's big
idea and scant evidence, only to be later refuted by higher level
trials. Those are the focus of the article.
Others were based on
good evidence but still failed to help patients because the
unintended consequences of “report cards” countered any benefits
inherent to the measures themselves (eg heart failure core measures,
the pneumonia antibiotic rule).
Not all of the
measures have been proven harmful (some have) but none have been
proven to benefit patients.
Yes, unintended consequences but not unforeseen according to Goodhart's Law which says when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.