Saturday, July 02, 2016

Fresh fruit consumption and cardiovascular disease

From a recent study:
In Western populations, a higher level of fruit consumption has been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but little is known about such associations in China, where the consumption level is low and rates of stroke are high.

Between 2004 and 2008, we recruited 512,891 adults, 30 to 79 years of age, from 10 diverse localities in China. During 3.2 million person-years of follow-up, 5173 deaths from cardiovascular disease, 2551 incident major coronary events (fatal or nonfatal), 14,579 ischemic strokes, and 3523 intracerebral hemorrhages were recorded among the 451,665 participants who did not have a history of cardiovascular disease or antihypertensive treatments at baseline. Cox regression yielded adjusted hazard ratios relating fresh fruit consumption to disease rates.


Overall, 18.0% of participants reported consuming fresh fruit daily. As compared with participants who never or rarely consumed fresh fruit (the “nonconsumption” category), those who ate fresh fruit daily had lower systolic blood pressure (by 4.0 mm Hg) and blood glucose levels (by 0.5 mmol per liter [9.0 mg per deciliter]) (P<0 .001="" 0.54="" 0.56="" 0.58="" 0.60="" 0.64="" 0.66="" 0.67="" 0.72="" 0.74="" 0.75="" 0.79="" 10="" a="" across="" adjusted="" amount="" and="" associations="" baseline="" between="" both="" by="" cardiovascular="" characteristics.="" ci="" comparisons="" confidence="" consumed.="" consumption="" coronary="" daily="" death="" defined="" dose="" each="" events="" for="" fresh="" fruit="" hazard="" hemorrhagic="" in="" incidence="" incident="" interval="" ischemic="" log-linear="" major="" nonconsumption="" of="" outcome="" p="" participants="" ratios="" regions="" relationship="" respectively="" response="" similar="" stroke.="" stroke="" strong="" study="" subgroups="" the="" there="" these="" to="" trend="" versus="" was="" were="">

Among Chinese adults, a higher level of fruit consumption was associated with lower blood pressure and blood glucose levels and, largely independent of these and other dietary and nondietary factors, with significantly lower risks of major cardiovascular diseases.

This was a study from China. Note that fresh fruit consumption is a component of the Mediterranean diet.

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