Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Thyroid acropachy: an unusual complication of Graves disease

From a recent published case report and mini-review:

The pathogenesis of acropachy is unknown, except for the anatomic location, in that it is probably similar to that of pretibial myxedema. It appears that TRAb molecules bind to the TSH receptors of fibroblasts present in the periosteum region and trigger an inflammatory response, producing cell proliferation and glycosaminoglycan deposition (7,8). The musculoskeletal manifestation is almost never seen without the remaining components of the triad of orbitopathy, dermopathy, and acropachy (9,10). Some studies suggest smoking is a predisposing factor for acropachy in GD patients (9).

In most cases, acropachy is asymptomatic, but the main clinical manifestations are digital clubbing, skin tightness with or without digital clubbing and usually with small-joint pain (in severe cases), soft tissue edema, and reactional periosteum, and skin alterations in fingers and nails may also be present (7). The disorder mostly affects the metacarpus phalangeal and proximal interphalangeal regions in the upper and lower limbs, especially the ankles and metatarsal phalangeal joints (11).

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